A new year usually means new resolutions, plans, dreams to be realized and company budgets to be allocated. If you are considering an interesting idea for an incentive trip for employees or a trip that will be the adventure of your life, check out Margot Travel’s proposals for 2021!
1. Zanzibar
African paradise on earth has been becoming more and more popular for several seasons. Why do tourists love this place? For wonderful weather, year-round summer, sun, beautiful beaches, warm water, rich nature and plenty of activities that will make your stay in a paradise resort more pleasant. Zanzibar is the perfect travel destination for those seeking unconditional relaxation!
2. Madeira
The Portuguese island attracts tourists with its mild, spring climate, extraordinary views, rich history, architecture, delicious cuisine, as well as small towns that cannot be denied charm. Plan a vacation to Madeira in 2021 if you want to discover European gems!
4. Mexico
Are you looking for the best holiday destination when it snows in Poland and temperatures drop below zero? In the fall and winter, it is worth going to Mexico, which is loved by tourists from all over the world for its excellent, aromatic cuisine, warm climate, paradise beaches, rich culture, fascinating history and plenty of attractions for those who cannot stand being bored. It is an ideal place for both private relaxation and a company trip.
5. Dominican Republic
When you go on holiday to the Dominican Republic, you will find yourself in an aesthete’s paradise. White sandy beaches, tall palm trees, amazing landscapes, mountainous areas, national parks are waiting for you, and tourists also like to admire flocks of flamingos and joyful dolphins. It’s worth going to the other end of the world for such wonderful experiences!
6. Oman
If you want to discover a non-obvious tourist destination in 2021, choose Oman, called an oasis of peace in the Middle East. This is a wonderful place where you will learn about fascinating culture and admire extraordinary landscapes – both the desert ones and the paradise coast of the Arabian Sea.
Be inspired in the new year by travels near and far. Discover European gems, Middle Eastern oases, African resorts and exotic attractions of Central and South America. Please contact us to discuss the details of organizing an incentive trip!